Weight Loss Tracker

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 38

Day 38 and I made it through the superbowl… Well I was at home so it was not that difficult – I did not make it out to any superbowl parties. So as you can see I have gained a couple pounds and it is no surprise. I received great input from my friend Patrick in response to my post on Friday. I will think on it for a bit… The truth is that I have just not decided to deal with my eating and I am walking around just trying to stay blind to it. It is working and I just continue to eat. I continue to eat at all hours and anything I can get my hands on. I do not eat constantly but I do eat a bunch of the wrong stuff and certainly at the wrong hours. I think I need to start with no eating after dinner and decide to just start doing it. I have been working out regularly now and it appears that the workouts are keeping me from gaining a lot of weight. So I am happy that I have decided to work out regularly but I am disappointed that I just can't get off my butt and start to deal with my eating habits. When I post Wednesday, after my workout, hopefully I will be able to tell everyone that I did not eat after dinner and have some things to say about that.


  1. Good approach here as I see it, when searching for your groove pick one aspect that needs attention & focus on it. Go gett'em in not eating after dinner this week!

  2. Patrick
    The most serious part is a meal after dinner - and I mean a MEAL. The second is 2nd and 3rd helpings during dinner. The last being fast food. If I get all these under control then at least 10-15 pounds will come off and stay. Thanks!
